High Protein Breakfast Nachos🍴

food lifestyle recipes Oct 29, 2019

I made these breakfast nachos a few weeks ago and had to share them!! I am a big breakfast lover so having a breakfast nacho dish for lunch was right up my alley. Bruch at every meal, who's with me?! 

All you need for these:

  • 1 Joseph's flatbread
  • 1 serving fat free mozzarella shreds
  • 1 slice turkey bacon 
  • 1 serving salsa 
  • 1 egg 
  • 1/4 sliced avocado
  • taco seasoning packet
  • spray butter

I got the salsa at Whole Foods but you could use whatever kind you like! 

The Joseph's brand can be found at walmart! Their flatbreads and pitas are amazing too!

How to:

  1. Cut flatbread into "chips" and place on baking sheet on aluminum foil or parchment paper. 
  2. Spray chips with spray butter and add taco seasoning. Bake at 350 for about 3 minutes per side. Add the cheese over the top half way through. 
  3. While the chips are cooking, crack egg in a non-stick pan and cover the top to steam the egg. Let cook until desired doneness. You shouldn't even have to flip it if you...
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What is Metabolism?

The term metabolism gets thrown around a lot. But, what exactly is it? Rather than you spending hours trying to figure it out on your own, I'm going to make it simple here. Our metabolisms are very complex, but there are a few main ways to break it down to better understand what the term really means. 

Metabolism is simply a sum of all the chemical processes that go on inside of us to sustain life

We can look at our metabolism (very simply) as our TDEE, or our total daily energy expenditure. When you hear the term "fast" and "slow" metabolism, that is really just a low or high TDEE. Our metabolisms are not static. They change and adapt based on current energy balance (calories in vs out), hormones, micronutrient availability, and more. Let's go over the 4 components of our TDEE (what makes up how many calories we burn in a day).

  1. BMR: This stands for basal metabolic rate and accounts for the calories burned just to keep you alive (heart pumping, breathing, etc). This...
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A New Way of Looking At the Holidays.

holidays lifestyle Oct 14, 2019

Everybody always talks about getting "back on track" after the holidays. But..what if we just... don't fall off track? You may be thinking I'm crazy but listen...

For 3 years of my life while I struggled with my eating disorder, I HATED the holidays and family/friend gatherings. I thought that everyone was judging me for not eating certain things and I truly thought that not hitting my calorie goal for the day or having one piece of pie was going to make me fat. I missed out on my FAVORITE HOMEMADE CHEX MIX two years in a row. Sad, I know. 

For 2 years following that, I took the opposite approach. I treated these events as an all or nothing type of thing and way overdid it, leaving myself feeling like crap right after. Instead of not eating the Chex mix, I ate it until I felt sick. Instead of having 1 piece of my favorite pie, I'd have three. This all came from some made up guilt that enjoying some holiday foods was "wrong"

There has to be an in-between though. And this...

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Is Cortisol Really the Enemy?

Let's talk about cortisol! I'm sure you have heard the term thrown around everywhere. But, do you really know what it is or what it does? Is it actually as bad as people say it is? Let's take a closer look.

What is it?

Cortisol is a hormone released by the adrenal glands that is best known for being one of the body's main stress (or fight-or-flight) hormones. It also has many other functions in the body though such as controlling our sleep/wake cycles, regulating blood sugar, and more. Cortisol receptors throughout the body will utilize cortisol in different ways. So, yes..cortisol is necessary and actually a GOOD thing for multiple reasons. I'll get into why it turns "bad" later in this article. 

We can think of cortisol and insulin as counterparts. Insulin tells our body that we have excess fuel available and that it needs to burn & store it. Cortisol on the other hand tells our body that we need more fuel and that 'things might be about to go bad'. 

How does it...

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Should You Skip Breakfast?

food health lifestyle Aug 22, 2019

I'm sure you've heard the saying "skipping breakfast is bad for you" or "skipping breakfast can slow down your metabolism". Listen here sis, I'm here to clear this up for you. Because it is all about context. Most fitness/health claims you hear are CONTEXT DEPENDENT. Meaning, depending on the situation, it could be true and vice versa. So, what about breakfast?

 Here is the truth. It DOES NOT matter if you skip breakfast WHEN calories are equated. For example: if I was eating 1,800 calories a day to try and lose some body fat, whether or not I got those calories in through 3 meals beginning around 1pm or through 5 meals beginning around 9am, will not matter. So, what does that mean for you? Well, it's up to what works best for you and your lifestyle. The best diet for you IS ONE YOU WILL STICK TO. Say that 10 more times to yourself. Here are some example scenarios:

  • If you LOVE eating breakfast, there is no reason to skip it! Breakfast is probably one of my favorite times...
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The Importance of a Morning Routine

lifestyle Aug 11, 2019

Hi friend!!! Glad you came back to my blog! I am such a Type A person and routines are my jam. I know they aren't for everyone, but I do think a solid morning routine is something that you should have. I'm going to tell you a few reasons how implementing this has helped me along with an outline of what mine looks like. 

Why should you have one?

  • The beginning of your day sets the tone for the rest of your day. If your morning is always a hot mess (I'll be honest- mine still is sometimes), then you may be feeling stressed out all day like you are forgetting something. On the other hand, if your morning is structured and routine, your day is more likely to feel the same. 
  • You build discipline and habits. Simple things like making your bed may not seem like a big deal. But what it is really doing is building small habits that will add up to bigger things. The more discipline you can train yourself to have, the better off you will be in all areas on life. 
  • It's a...
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At Home Pokè Bowl

food lifestyle recipes Aug 09, 2019
Hi friends!! I am super excited about this one! I filmed this recipe in a recent YouTube video but wanted to have a place for you all to reference it as well. This at home sushi bowl is going to be one of my new go-to's! Why hate your meal prep when you don't have to?!
I have been obsessed with poké since I tried it a few months ago but I was tired of paying for overpriced bowls. And I would rather know the amounts of each of the ingredients I am using! So I decided to make my own version! I hope that you enjoy as much as I have been!
Sushi Rice
White Onion
Sushi Ginger
Sugar Free Teriyaki Sauce
Ahi Tuna Steak
  1.  Start by cooking the rice. I used a rice cooker for mine but you can use whatever you have. Just follow the instructions on the package. Cooking times will differ. To the rice and water (before cooking), add the juice of 1 fresh lime...

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Stop Letting the Scale Rule Your Day

fitness lifestyle Aug 09, 2019
I wanted to write this post because I know it is something that the majority of women struggle with. Including myself. The scale, for many of us, gives us an anxious feeling. It's the thing that no one brings up. It's the number that can start our day off great or start us off with a negative attitude towards life. Why is that? Because for so long, we have been told things that make us think that the scale defines us and that the scale is the end all, be all measure of progress. I'm not going to lie..I still have my days when I let that number bring up some negative thoughts, but I have come so far and I now KNOW FOR A FACT that the scale doesn't mean sh*t (well in terms of overweight and obesity that leads to real health issues, yes it matters...but you will see my point). I'm going to cover some (of many) reasons why you should stop letting the scale determine your happiness.
Before I get into the reasons, story time. I'll make this as quick as I can. I developed...
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