The Importance of a Morning Routine

lifestyle Aug 11, 2019

Hi friend!!! Glad you came back to my blog! I am such a Type A person and routines are my jam. I know they aren't for everyone, but I do think a solid morning routine is something that you should have. I'm going to tell you a few reasons how implementing this has helped me along with an outline of what mine looks like. 

Why should you have one?

  • The beginning of your day sets the tone for the rest of your day. If your morning is always a hot mess (I'll be honest- mine still is sometimes), then you may be feeling stressed out all day like you are forgetting something. On the other hand, if your morning is structured and routine, your day is more likely to feel the same. 
  • You build discipline and habits. Simple things like making your bed may not seem like a big deal. But what it is really doing is building small habits that will add up to bigger things. The more discipline you can train yourself to have, the better off you will be in all areas on life. 
  • It's a form of self care. Once we start our days, it's hard to take any time for ourself. Between school, work, kids, errands, or whatever else comes up. Taking a few minutes in the morning to create a good mental space for YOU is so important! 

What does my morning look like?

I am going to give you an outline of my typical morning! Everyone's will look a bit different so don't feel like this is the "right way". In fact, there a few things I may start implementing that I feel are important as well (meditating, etc). But for now, here it is:

  1. Wake up and immediately get up and make my bed. I don't check my phone until I am done with all of my morning tasks! This allows me to be on the offense rather than the defense (reactive) throughout my day. Don't believe me? Try it out! 
  2. Splash my face with cold water, put on my Rose Tonic toner, and brush my teeth. If I'm not going to the gym that morning, I will go ahead and put on makeup. If I am, I just put on my Fit Cover powder (code: SYDNEY) and do my brows (with the same brand linked previously) and call it good. 
  3. Next, I go fill up my 32 oz hydro flask and drink that while I plan out my day! I plan out my main events for the week on Sunday's in my Bando planner, but each day I write out my top 5 to-do's + a list of things that need to be done at some point but aren't a top priority for the day.
  4. Next, I answer any emails in my inbox and any texts I got the previous night. 
  5. Lastly, I eat a quick snack then head out to the gym! If I'm not working out that day, I'll pour up some coffee and get to work! Besides posting a story, I don't check my social media until I'm done with my workout! 

I do want to begin implementing my bible study and a bit of meditation back in every morning. But let me tell ya...I've come a long way with building up my current habits. Do you have a morning routine?! 


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