A New Way of Looking At the Holidays.

holidays lifestyle Oct 14, 2019

Everybody always talks about getting "back on track" after the holidays. But..what if we just... don't fall off track? You may be thinking I'm crazy but listen...

For 3 years of my life while I struggled with my eating disorder, I HATED the holidays and family/friend gatherings. I thought that everyone was judging me for not eating certain things and I truly thought that not hitting my calorie goal for the day or having one piece of pie was going to make me fat. I missed out on my FAVORITE HOMEMADE CHEX MIX two years in a row. Sad, I know. 

For 2 years following that, I took the opposite approach. I treated these events as an all or nothing type of thing and way overdid it, leaving myself feeling like crap right after. Instead of not eating the Chex mix, I ate it until I felt sick. Instead of having 1 piece of my favorite pie, I'd have three. This all came from some made up guilt that enjoying some holiday foods was "wrong"

There has to be an in-between though. And this...

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