10 Muscle Building Mistakes

fitness health Sep 17, 2019

When it comes to building muscle, many people are going about it the wrong way. You may feel like you have been lifting forever, but you don't have much progress to show. Muscle building is a science. We have to treat it as that. If you are doing one of these 10 things, you may be slowing or even halting your progress:

  1. You always train in the same rep range. 
    • When it comes to training, different rep ranges provide a different stimulus to our body. Some rely more on nervous system adaptation, some on hypertrophy adaptation, and some more on metabolic adaptations. If you are always training in the same rep ranges, you will hit a plateau once your body has made those adaptations. Rather than sticking only to the "8-12 magic range", be sure you are mixing in some high intensity (low rep, high weight) training as well as some endurance training (15+ reps). 
  2. You switch up your exercises too often. 
    • A good program takes a bit of time to work. A lot of the initial...
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How To Create a Workout Routine

fitness Aug 09, 2019
Proper workout programming is so important in seeing results! But something I see everywhere on social media is people just going through the motions and not having a plan. I'm not telling you that every single tiny thing has to be programmed to see results and that you can't ever sub your lift for a spin class with a friend...BUT, programming is important and there is no getting around that. In this post, I wanted to lay out some simple steps for you all to be able to create your own workout schedule that will allow you to see more progress in the gym. This will go over the basics of setting up a schedule but I can do another post on the actual workouts if you all would be interested! Comment on this if you are!
  1.  Decide the days you are going to workout. Get a piece of paper and write out everyday of the week on the left side. Go ahead and determine what days you plan to train. For me, I rest on Thursday and...

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Stop Letting the Scale Rule Your Day

fitness lifestyle Aug 09, 2019
I wanted to write this post because I know it is something that the majority of women struggle with. Including myself. The scale, for many of us, gives us an anxious feeling. It's the thing that no one brings up. It's the number that can start our day off great or start us off with a negative attitude towards life. Why is that? Because for so long, we have been told things that make us think that the scale defines us and that the scale is the end all, be all measure of progress. I'm not going to lie..I still have my days when I let that number bring up some negative thoughts, but I have come so far and I now KNOW FOR A FACT that the scale doesn't mean sh*t (well in terms of overweight and obesity that leads to real health issues, yes it matters...but you will see my point). I'm going to cover some (of many) reasons why you should stop letting the scale determine your happiness.
Before I get into the reasons, story time. I'll make this as quick as I can. I developed...
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