Why I Think Keto is BS.

food health Aug 09, 2019

Bold statement? I realize that. But hear me out. I'm talking about Keto in the sense of being a trendy thing. Not in the sense of its power for certain medical conditions like epilepsy or its use for certain endurance sports. Because there, I could argue for it!

Now that you are no longer offended, let me tell you why YOU (probably) shouldn't try keto.

 Chances are, if you are looking to try keto...you are looking to lose weight. But let me ask you this. If you can't follow a simple diet plan, what makes you think a more restrictive diet plan is going to have a higher success rate for you?
"The best diet for YOU is one you can stick to."
  • Keto promotes weight loss for the same reason that ANY other diet out there does. Yep...weight watchers, Atkins, macro tracking, etc. ALL rely on the science of a caloric deficit to initiate weight loss. None of them are magic. So first let's realize that there is nothing inherently special here in terms of its ability to help you lose body fat.

  • Keto is a restrictive diet and must be followed consistently in order to stay in ketosis. If you are okay with not having that occasional high carb meal out with friends, then so be it. But I'm going to guess..you want to live a little. And on top of that, do you just enjoy carbs? If so, why would you go keto?! If you can lose body fat from just controlling your caloric intake and being sure you are getting enough protein, why make it less enjoyable?

  • Many people who go on keto don't truly understand the science behind it. They either end up eating tons of crap since it's "high fat, low carb" OR and more often, they don't ever really get into ketosis and are really just starving their body.

  • Can you do it forever? If you don't see yourself wanting to or being able to follow the keto diet long-term..don't do it!!! If you train your body to use fats for fuel and then all of a sudden quit and throw a bunch of carbs and/or extra calories back at your system, chances are you will go right back to where you were. CONSISTENCY IS KEY. This is a lifestyle. So, what can you do forever?

  • If you do bodybuilding style lifting or do any other high intensity type of exercise, KETO IS NOT FOR THAT. Back to people not knowing the science behind it. When our bodies need quick energy for back to back powerful movements, they rely on carbs!!!! So, if you are looking to optimize performance and progress in the gym, I'm sorry but doing keto is just DUMB. As I said at the beginning, keto can be used in endurance athletes and the science of its positive impacts there is actually pretty cool. There is also some research for power lifters since they are only performing 1 rep at a time. But if that's not you...then don't fuel your body like it is.

Overall, my point here is this: if you are looking to try keto just because its trendy and you want to lose some body fat..really take into consideration all of the above factors first. If you can't stick to a simple macro-structured diet plan, you likely won't stick to this either. I would like to say I know a few people who do keto (*correctly*) and love it! But it is not for everyone. Also, just because keto uses fat for fuel does not mean that by using that fat, you are automatically burning body fat. Not the same thing.

 Hope you enjoyed hearing my take on this! Let me know what other controversial topics you'd like to hear about!

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